Training Adult Babies

I like training adult babies because they often need my guidance to behave the way that’s needed to be around mommy full time.  You should already know that I’m the type of babysitter who doesn’t care about your pouting and cries.  In fact, I enjoy them.  I like hearing you scream and cry for your… Continue reading Training Adult Babies

Mommy Breastfeeds Adult Baby

Mommy loves hearing your coos and baby babble before I place my nipple in your mouth for you to feast on.  My milk will never run dry as long as you keep sucking.  This is your favorite time of day where our skin touches and we’re closer than ever.  You feel safe with mommy while… Continue reading Mommy Breastfeeds Adult Baby

ABDL Diapers

Changing ABDL Diapers is my favorite thing!  I like hearing you coo and ahh when you’re making a mess then giggling when you’re done.  When I come over to clean you up, you look into my eyes the entire time being so happy that you’re experiencing diaper domination with your sweet mommy!  Sometimes you’ve gotten… Continue reading ABDL Diapers

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